Sales Commissions Blog | Blitz

How to set and modify sales compensation plans rules in Blitz

Written by Mauricio Duran | 08.03.2018

An easy instructive for sales teams enhancement

Blitz is a commission tracking software that drives your goals. It helps you achieve scalable sales compensation plans that align with your business objectives. Therefore, it revitalizes your sale’s team passion for selling.

Blitz gives your sales department transparency and accuracy. Furthermore, you’ll have interactive dashboards and detailed reports, and the ability to forecast future commission payments. But, how do you get there? How can you modify and adapt your sales compensation plans in Blitz? Well, here we have a quick guide, so you can configure your payment rules and achieve flexible commission plans.

Setting and modifying sales compensation plans step by step

  1. Log in into Blitz: once you purchase Blitz and our team works on the customization and set up, every user will be able to log in with their email and password.
  2. Go to Compensation plans: You can modify your plans by clicking Compensation plans in the navigation bar. Then, click on view all.
  3. Choose one compensation plan or add a new one: you will be able to see all the compensation plans you are running in Blitz. Choose one so you can start editing and changing rules. Also, you can create a new one.
  4. Assign name, compensation, start and end date: this step is extremely important. As a matter of fact, it is what will define your campaigns’ compensation plans payments within a date.
  5. Assignment: choose the users, roles or salespeople you want to assign this role to.
  6. Define rules: There is a unique and interesting feature in Blitz. You can use natural language processing to define set rules within your compensation plans. Click here and learn how this feature works.
  7. Save: at the end of the process, you should click the save button. And, you will create a new compensation plan or apply changes be to a sales commission plan.

With automated commission payment processing, Blitz adapts as you apply changes and new rules into your sales compensation plans. Moreover, keep track of your need with Blitz’s interactive dashboards and effective commission tracking. Schedule your demo here.