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Make the most out of your sales management meetings, here’s how

Written by Mauricio Duran | 04.25.2018

We are revealing the secrets to a successful sales meeting 

Your sales team should leave every sales meeting motivated and eager to fulfill all their goals. Very few sales managers achieve that with their sales management meetings even though they are key to a great sales culture, and a chance to build skills in your team. But don’t worry, we have some tips for your sales meetings to deliver results: 

Start on time

Demonstrate your team that you value their time. Starting a sales management meetings on time gives you the ability to use the time for better productivity, there’s a general sense of being prepared, and shows you are reliable.

Keep it simple

Change that idea of sales management meetings being a waste of time. Go straight to the points you want to tackle and streamline the meeting. Make sure the pace of the meeting is fast, create a relaxed atmosphere and don’t make that meeting last for hours.  

Set an agenda

Prepare a consistent and easy-to-follow agenda to keep every meeting attendee focus and on track. Avoid the tangents and distractions that could lead to an unproductive meeting. Write down priorities and key points to cover, this will lead to a smooth meeting.  

Allow for discussion

Let your sales team contribute with their ideas and initiatives to increase performance. At the end of the day, they are the ones interacting directly with customers and prospects. Their perspective is valuable, ask suitable questions and get the right answers.  

Come to an agreement

Be accurate about the outcomes of every sales management meeting. Let your team know what the next steps are to follow and who is going to be responsible for each task. You can even distribute this information via email after the meeting, they will sense this information as important.

Motivate your team

Sales management meetings are one of the ways salespeople get to interact with managers and directors. Make sure your team leaves the meeting with a positive message; at the end of the day, the meeting is for their benefit. 

A high-performing team has sales management meetings that are more than just giving numbers. Meeting after meeting they come with new ideas and initiatives to enhance performance. Leave each meeting with clear, attainable objectives that everyone understands. Focus on key things and strive to make more sales every day; then, your sales meeting will be extremely successful.