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Sales Commission breakdown for full transparency

Create confidence in the time, amount, and reason for sales reps’ compensation.

Effective Communication is really important in a company, and this includes the sales department. When it comes to commission payments, it is really important to leave everything clear for sales reps. They should be able to find out the exact details on how their commissions were calculated. If the sales manager or director doesn’t provide a sales commission breakdown, sales reps can develop the feeling of receiving an unfair compensation, which will ultimately lead to high rotation.

A successful compensation plan that works as intended is the one where participants understand through proper communication and implementation what they are being incented to do. Having a commission plan should be a driver of attracting and retaining the best employees, so giving sales reps a sales commission breakdown is a key to keeping them in your team.

Sales Commission breakdown: Build confidence in your team

With a good breakdown, members in a sales teams can determine long-term strategies and know exactly what they are receiving and how it was calculated, meeting all the expectations sales reps are waiting for. Also, sales reps should have a breakdown of any changes in their compensation to know exactly what effects is going to have on their income.

Finally, sales departments often rely on technological tools and solutions to enhance transparency for employees. One of these tools is Blitz, which allows you to automate your commission process and achieve better performance in your sales teams by letting them know every step in the commission calculation process.

Build a sales team that’s confident in their sales commission plan with sales reps knowing that they have full insight into the calculation and payment of their commissions. It's so easy! Are you ready to maximize your sales team's potential?


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