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3 amazing benefits of having the right commission tracking plan

We have been talking a lot about commission plan enhancements and having the right commission tracking, but we were missing something: the benefits. Yes, the benefits of correctly applying all these tips we have been telling you in this blog. So here I go, 3 amazing benefits of having the right commission tracking process:

Increase performance with the right commission tracking plan

A flexible and well-managed commission plan will make every sales rep love payday. The right commission tracking process and commission plan should allow you to configure and do a fast calculation of as many complementary incentive programs as you need to encourage, and about any behavior or performance, you desire.

Let’s not forget that motivated people make for a happy company, get creative with how you reward your team, they will work harder and you will obtain instant results and a lot of new businesses.


Drive business process adoption

Effective sales teams use standardized business processes and applications to monitor and improve sales activities. With the right commission plan and commission tracking process, your sales team will be convinced to adopt all business processes and technology that will contribute to their overall commissions.

The right commission tracking process will use leads, opportunities, and other common sales fields to transparently calculate and generate commission totals.

You’ll see that the right commission tracking will naturally incentivize process adoption, turning your sales organization into a cohesive, self-regulating sales machine.


Attract and retain top talent with the right commission tracking plan

Although commissions may not always be the biggest motivators, when it is miscalculated or miscommunicated, it’s always the biggest demotivator. Having the right commission tracking process and sales commission plan will reflect there’s trust, confidence, clarity, and respect in your sales department. Also, it will prove that your business understands what it means to pay well. Therefore, your salespeople can enjoy confidence in the time, amount, and reason for their commissions.

Blitz is the right commission tracking software that will allow you to manage those commission programs that transform your sales department.

Perform perfect commission tracking for your team using different techniques and watch them excel in multiple ways, pay your salespeople better and power up your team with Blitz.



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