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Top Sales Challenges Facing Salespeople in 2020

Written by Zoe Salinas | 01.23.2020

A brand new year is here, and it's a fact that salespeople will face some top sales challenges. It’s almost evident for business owners to reflect on how their businesses performed in the past year. Business is not always smooth, and sales leaders are the immediate dupes when it comes to business performance-

Evaluate your selling scenario from past years

In order to set new goals, it’s essential for sales leaders to evaluate the state of business in the recent past. This is so as to device more efficient means of achieving them. Sales experts need to have the ability to read the prevailing selling scenario to understand the skills required for that particular moment.

Additionally, as they interact with various stakeholders, they need the capacity to transition from a skill to another flawlessly. This is because different traders have different business learnings and ideologies, so salespersons have to adjust to suit those preferences evenly.

Salespeople face challenges with an uncertainty of what they expect and have to take risks on a constant basis. Businesses, therefore, have to buckle down and maintain the present-day performance level, which has to be done through salespeople.

Let’s have a breakdown of some of these four top sales challenges they face and ways to overcome them.

What are the top sales challenges salespeople face?

Responses from prospects – For salespeople, the quality of the message to potential clients greatly determines if or not they respond. On most occasions, if the message isn’t compelling enough, the response rate is as low as zero.

The purpose is to get your brand out loud and creating enough attention. That’s why, as a salesperson, you need to cultivate a messaging tactic vibrant enough to ensure responses keep coming.

 Instead of sending a single email, or making one phone call, send out a series of them. Again rather than telling potential prospects of how great the company is, provide them with relevant and beneficial information, and this inevitably boosts your response rates.

Discovering qualified leads – For your product to sell out there, you need to attach to someone who actually wants to purchase what you are selling. A prospect has to be an exceptional fit for your product.

 To find a qualified prospect, you have to develop a suitable marketing strategy where qualified leads actually find you. Organize your marketing and sales teams to align, so they choose the right leads to the particular products you offer.

Separating from competitors – This is one challenge most salespersons have to learn to face in 2020. Literally, every customer you come across symbolizes your brand. This means that the quality of your service, and handling them determines their positivity or negativity towards your product. This plays a significant role in distinguishing your company from other competitors.

Deal making – The modern-day market has become superlatively competitive in recent years as consumers now prefer to do the sales work themselves. Standing out in such a market has become one of the biggest challenges.

With the current technological advancement, it’s so easy to obtain vital information about a company quickly through the very readily available search engines. A salesperson, therefore, needs to familiarize with challenges facing their prospects and modify a solution targeted to their wants.

Enquiring the right information – As a sales person, asking the right questions determines the quality and quantity of your sales. Present questions that will feed you with adequate information to enlighten you about their needs and desires, then act accordingly.

 Avoid questions that give one-word responses because these only give inadequate information that is not helpful. Also, don’t choke your prospect with overlapping questions before giving them time to respond.


How can you meet these top sales challenges to advance?

The first step to solving any problem whatsoever is identifying it. Now that we know the challenges salespeople face, we will look at possible ways they can deal with them to progress in their profession.

  1. Staying motivated – Any workers’ motivation affects their productivity. As a sales leader, knowing what inspires and drives your sales team is sternly essential. Salespeople are not the same. Work individually with each member and set goals for them to which they can work to achieve.
  2. Improve the communication ethic – Not all people have the same communication skills due to lifestyle disparities, but developing them isn’t unmanageable. Evaluate your sales and marketing team to see if they are doing it all right. Identify areas of inconsistency and employ communication exercises. This way you will be sure that the right message about your company is getting out there.
  3. Engage social media platforms into the process – Get your sales team to understand how to effectively use the available social media platforms to reach the possible prospects. First, you have to know where quality leads are and use their preferred channels to connect with them. Appropriate social channels such as LinkedIn and B2B network are hugely resourceful.
  4. Account management – The trick here is to encourage your customers to increase their regular spending, thus generating more revenue. Don’t concentrate too much on making new customers but rather keep the existing ones happy and spending on your product.

You will find it is a great way to sustain and upsurge your revenue sales. Again, duly motivated customers easily refer others, so your revenue model stays in check.

  1. Employ coaching and usefulness of sales managers – An effective sales manager definitely gets better outcomes from the sales team. Implementing coaches who spend time with the sales team to help them develop their skills and talents is undoubtedly successful. A coach or sales manager should be able to identify problems the team faces and provide solutions to them.


Have you already identified the top sales challenges you will face in 2020? Just remember that there is always uncertainty and that things move faster as technology and consumption trends come and go. Let’s stay strong!