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4 Reasons Why You Need CRM Integrations for Your Business

Written by Marco Kronenburg | 03.08.2021

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a term that gets thrown around a lot in the sales world.

It’s the technology used to help bridge the space between a customer and a business. And by bridging the space, this could be through a variety of ways, such as through email, marketing automation, and more.

CRM is your one-stop-shop for all your customer relation needs. It’s also the main reason why CRM integrations are a must-have for any serious organization.

Why CRM Integrations Are Important for Your Business

CRM is important for any business in any industry, as it’s what helps you keep connected with your customers and build lasting relationships.

That, in turn, results in longer-lasting clients, and then grows your business.

CRM Integrations for Your Business

Having several different integrations for your business is a huge plus and gives you a competitive edge. And, as we all know, having that competitive edge in a market can make or break your business. Listed below are some CRM integrations you could add to your business, as well as how they can benefit your sales team:

Team Communication Integration

Within your sales team, you want there to be seamless communication. There are several different software that can allow your team to have live chats throughout their work week, but there are also some that allow CRM integration as well. This helps improve how your team works together while also having the data they need right at their fingertips.

Mobile CRM

It’s been shown that by integrating your CRM to mobile, 50% of teams improved their productivity. By integrating CRM to mobile for your team, you’re increasing productivity and thus, increasing business!

Social Media Integration

If your business isn’t on social media yet, then what are you waiting for? There are more than 3 billion active social media users out there, and using social media can help generate leads to your business. Having CRM integrations in your social media will help you immensely, especially if you’re targeting Gen Z or Millennials.

Marketing Automation Tools

Marketing automation is a useful tool for any business to have, as it enables you to spend more time on the bigger things, while still getting your marketing going. You can integrate your CRM in your automated emails, or when your users sync their contacts.

During this, you can track where they are on their customer journey, get more context about leads, and find all your data through one simple CRM integration. This makes your life, and the life of your sales team when they’re looking for data, so much easier. As well, integrating marketing will help expand your reach to more customers, thus enabling you to have more leads and in turn, more business.

Calendar Integration

Integrating CRM into your calendar is another great way to help your sales team and your business. This helps increase organization and efficiency within your business, allowing your sales team to integrate their professional and personal appointments in the calendar to reduce miscommunication over events they might have scheduled prior.

CRM Integrations Are Easy With Blitz

When you get down to looking at all your CRM integration options, it’s good to consider how it will benefit your business and also your sales team. The more integrations you have, the more efficient your sales team can run, and in turn, the more sales you can get for your business.

With Blitz, you can integrate even more than your CRM to your commission tracking software, including payroll reports, automated user enrollment, integrated quota tables and much more!

Book a demo with one of our specialists today to learn more about our software and how it can benefit your sales team and your business.